On our platform, both users and Gurus benefit. Users can get guidance from any Guru at any time, while Gurus get paid for every minute they spend on a call. This way, they can also increase their network.

Caffae’s vision is to provide everyone easy access to personalized guidance in any field of interest without wasting time.


Romil Seth

Founder & CEO

" Fail as early as possible "

Our Team

Romil Seth

Founder & CEO

Pragat Pandya

Co-Founder & CTO

Dhyey's Profile Picture
Dhyey Kakadiya

Full Stack Developer (Intern)

Caffae's Story

During my journey preparing for the JEE, I encountered challenges in reaching out to students who had successfully cleared the exam and found myself grappling with the same issue of selecting the right college.

My desire to gain firsthand insights from current college students about their experiences motivated me. This need for personalized guidance became even more apparent when my aunt sought my advice on identifying reliable YouTubers amidst the overwhelming array of content, as she aimed to launch her own YouTube channel. These experiences led me to recognize a broader demand for trusted and individualized guidance.

This realization gave birth to the concept of Caffae – a user-friendly platform that seamlessly connects individuals seeking guidance with experts. On Caffae, users can access personalized insights through simple phone calls, making the process of obtaining reliable information and advice effortless.